首页 > 座椅系列 > 【嗨呗】一把会跳舞的椅子  Hip Chair can dance!

【嗨呗】一把会跳舞的椅子  Hip Chair can dance!

时间:2019-01-14 17:40:29   人气:1924

【嗨呗】一把会跳舞的椅子  Hip Chair can dance!


“If we say that beauty and practicability is the eternal theme of design,innovation is the bridge between them.”



Alegre Design设计工作室,在国际享有高知名度,超过15年的丰富设计经验,曾多次赢得国际大奖。2016年,圣奥力邀工作室Andres Baldovi先生担纲,耗时两年,将科技与设计完美结合,潜心打造一把极富创新并引领办公潮流的运动座椅。

Alegre Design is a world-renowned design studio with various internationaldesign awards and 15 plus years of experience in design. In 2016, upon theinvitation of Sunon, Mr. Andres Baldovi of Alegre initiated acooperativeproject aiming to create a dynamic office chair. After 2 years of dedicatedwork, here comes this innovative and trendsetting Hip Chair, a chairintegrating art with technology.



精于心  酷于形

Superb in Shape, Exquisite at Heart




Hip-chair, with minimal swing angle of 10 degree in both left and rightsides, guarantees instant response to your body, movement and posture.




坐背联动   浑然一体

Base and Back, Move as One





Sit in Whatever Position You Like




一把座椅  多重体验

One Chair, Multiple Experiences


隐形开关   便捷操作

Invisible Switch, Easy to Operate


午休半小时   续航一下午 

A Short Nap Makes the Day



Two-tone yarns interweave to outline the gradual visual effect. 


进口面料  渐层设计

Imported Material, Gradient Design







click on the image to enlarge view



尽享工作乐趣 圣奥办公家具
